Custom Resin Print

Custom Resin Print


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First off, DO NOT BUY THIS LISTING. At least not yet. With that out of the way, we return you to your regularly scheduled listing blurb.

Have something you need resin printed? You supply the file, and we’ll print it. Whether it’s a Hero Forge generated model, a prototype, or a 3D modeling school project you’d like a physical representation of, Tank’s Workshop’s forge and foundry are at your disposal.

If you want a custom resin print, contact us. Seriously, DO NOT BUY THIS LISTING WITHOUT CONTACTING US. Please.

Have the file ready because we’ll want to run it through the slicer to get an estimate of size, print time, and resin volume needs. Then we’ll talk price and turn around time. We will agree to the price, turnaround, and other terms before you get a link to a custom listing to purchase. That means a free estimate. Free as in beer. Hard to beat that. “Other terms” is stuff like if your model is big and chunky, like say a large block, we may hollow it with drain holes on the bottom. This means the model takes less resin, which is savings we can pass on to you, and it’s less heavy, which means fewer supports, and a prettier print. You will be informed of this from the start, it won’t be slipped in later. If we find we need to hollow later, we’ll contact you for approval. We'll also get a shipping total.

(OOOoooooOOO, custom? Is it shiney??)

Maybe. Depends on what you do with it when you finish it. Finish out is up to you, we just print the thing. We’ll do the majority of the cleanup work, but some “nubbins” from support removal or signs of fine grit sanding on bottom surfaces might be visible. We use really high grit sandpaper, and it’s honestly hard to notice. Places this might be would be the bottoms of bases, or soles of feet. The heavier supports to anchor the model have to go somewhere, but, we’re gentle, and try to use several small ones instead of one big one whenever possible, so don’t worry.

As for the nubbins, removing them is very much like taking off mould lines or residual sprue bits found on commercially available models. Pick ‘em off with an exacto knife or some fine grit sandpaper and Bob’s your uncle. Unless his name is Dan. Either way it’s the same easy thing. It's a time honored tradition in the hobby, and the nature of the beast.

Your little packet of plastic joy will be printed in our standard recipe of resin, mostly SirayaTech’s Fast Navy Gray resin with some of their Tenacious thrown in for durability. After supports are created and we mix up the “build juice”, it’ll be printed in 6k with a nice crisp high contrast ratio. The one thing we can’t do, is print a model better than it is designed. If it’s a low res model, it’ll be a low res print. Same as if you go from 72dpi in Photoshop to a printing press, what goes in is the best it will get, it doesn’t matter how good the press is. Just like a commercial printer, we can’t add pixels.

It WILL cost more to print an unsupported file because I have to provide the labor to support it, and this will definitely be the case with Hero Forge models. If possible, it’s better to get the model and the base as separate pieces.

One further note: we can often scale a presupported model up to 9-10% without resupporting. This is NOT always the case. Any scaling beyond that and it will absolutely have to be resupported. We also reserve the right to decline a job for any reason. Rare, but it could happen. I hope not, I wanna print it all!

Let's sling some polymer together!